
Friday, January 17, 2020

Scan folder cleaning, part 3

Let's work on a few more in the scan folder. Currently have six folders of scans. I added one from a very recent mailing because I wanted to get the cards received stored into the set build they were received. So let's put up 3 today. Once again, I am not sure when I received these fantastic cards (sorry senders), and this is a long time coming. I hope you give me a small amount of forgiveness.

And give me a lot of these.
Let's start with the folder containing a single image, but oh what an image it is. Adam from Cardboard Clubhouse. Adam is currently on break from blogging cuz he had to have another baby.

But seriously, according to his most recent post, that little guy/gal should have arrived, so I hope she/he is healthy and the family is doing well. Speaking of little guys.....

Little in size, the droids are. But the cards themselves are not. Adam dropped 3 or 4 of these 5x7 packs from TLJ on me. And I believe I completed the set of the 8 cards. A Google search puts these as a fan event release from Topps, doubles sided with Light on one side and Dark on the other. This ebay auction gives you a good look at all 16 images. I have dupes, so if you want them, hit me up. And thanks Adam. Hope you are back on your blog soon.

Next up is a couple scans from Jon at A Penny Sleeve For Your Thoughts. I love Jon's posts cuz not always is it baseball cards. If you haven't, Jon, you need to post what has to be the wall of VHS tapes you have. I see all your pickups from the thrift stores. Don't think Jon found what he mailed to me at a thrift store, though.

There's 6 of the almost 2 dozen buy backs in Jon's mailer. Some really nice cards in there. I just love that Wilson at the bottom. He's scoping the stands, picking out the woman he will be talking home tonight. And it's your girlfriend, cuz none can resist the gaze of Glenn Wilson. Two other cards were in the envelope

BOOM!!!! 1998 Topps Finest - sweet. And dig that GORGEOUS 1953 Bowman of Lou Cretlow. Well loved for sure, and I will give it even more love. What a shot of Yankee Stadium in the background. Jon, I owe you for sure on these. I know I have some cards aside for you, but I think I can do some damage to your want lists.

Last for today is from Paul at Scribbled Ink. Lot to be jealous about with Paul's post (mainly all the autos he has), but he dropped a nice mailer on me for you to be jealous about.

BLACKHAWKS!!!! All these cards are from the Ultimate Original 6 set. I used to have dang near this entire set, but I believe it got water damaged and had to end it's life in a dump somewhere. Getting a bunch of the Hawks from the set is a blessing. I mean, look at the Pilote at the bottom right. Clean ad free boards, the shadows, the fans all dressed up like it's a night out - that's heaven, horizontally.

Some recent net minders for the Hawks. All three have their names on the Cup - 'Bulin with the Lightning, Huet with the Hawks and Belfore with the Stars.

Some nice Sox in the package too. I don't get Panini's products, so it's nice when I get them sent to me since I have all but stopped buying them. 2017 Topps Chrome parallels are weird.

Player collection Sox. I have been hoping to score some BBM Iguchi cards for cheap on ebay, but not having a lot of luck. If anyone has a better place to pick up foreign singles of him, I am all ears.

Last image for this post is a group of needed vintage of early 80's White Sox. I can only remember Comiskey with having yellow bars separating the lower boxes, so seeing them painted white behind Farmer is weird.

Also, Rusty Kuntz.

Thanks Paul. I'll so my best to get a return package to you soon.

Well look at me, getting all caught up. Getting close...


  1. well look at you indeed, showing off those Ultimate Original 6 Blackhawks. I'm not jealous at all. AM NOT.

  2. Thanks for the kind words! I had completely forgot this mailing, nice to be reminded though.

    P.S. You don't owe me anything in return, just keep blogging and we'll call it good :)

  3. Those 5x7's are cool. Hadn't seen those before.
