Monday, February 22, 2016

Super duper cooper trooper grouper

There are things you can count on year after year. Taxes on April 15th-ish (18th this year). The Cubs getting fans tons of hope only to fall apart in September (4-1 odds all you want on them, then won't win it). That basket of single socks because the dryer eats one every single load. Kanye and Taylor feuding about something.

My agent says it's your turn to say something mean about me on Twitter.
One constant in the blogging world is Jay Barker Fan Wes and his bombs. And with his new group #SuperTraders, I get the feeling they will be coming more frequently, and from more directions. Somehow, I was recruited for the White Sox. I'm not upset by any means. But now this blue color guy has to setup it up with the big boys. We'll see if I can hold my own.

But Wes started the #SuperTrader activity on my locale, dropping a package a couple weeks ago or so - maybe longer. All the days bleed into the next. I'm going to break the goodies over two posts cuz I hate jamming a lot of images on one post. Unless they're of Kate.

I even look good with PLAY symbols in the way.

Three sizes of cards made it into the package. No tobacco sized White Sox. No complaints, mind you. I'm not sure if Harold kept the "cap under the helmet" style later in his career, but that look is so American Legion Little League.

A nice OPC Little. The "traded" wording is such a nice feature. Topps should bring it back on Archives or something. It's what I remember growing up. The green outside wall behind Lemon needs some paint. That sucker is faded from the sun.

I think I had a reason I scanned these three together, but I forgot. I can tell you Tyler helps me almost knock off the 2015 Sox team set. I think I am two Update cards short. I'm so used to see the 91 Topps with WINNER printed above the player name that I forget the base Topps Gold from that year.

More oddball-ish cards. The Garland is strange in that you see the wording is in blue. It's that way because it talks about how Jon was drafted by the Cubs and shows Cubs next to his name. He appeared in 10 games of Rookie ball with the Cubs before they traded him to the Sox for a middle reliever. Yeah - we got the way better end of that deal.

Upper Deck sure produced a lot of cards.

While I run a few player collections, now would be an impossible time to start collecting the Big Hurt. If I had to guess the number of Thomas cards in the Sox box, I would guess at least 200. And that would be a hell of a collection. But this is Frank Thomas we are talking about. Currently, there are over 3000 different Frank Thomas cards on COMC. That's filtering out the Pirates Frank Thomas.

I'll think I will stop there. That's a lot, and I have barely touched on the usually amazing stuff you can get from Wes, liked serialed and hits. #SuperTraders gonna trade, trade, trade, trade, trade...


  1. That Wes, he is relentless. Great stuff as usual.

  2. Don't laugh, but I need your address, send me an email plz. tls
