Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Bring out your wants!!

So who has 2013 want lists? And before I get too far - don't even start with me, Posh. I am NOT in the mood! Me saying "want" does not give you the right to invade my blogging, ok? At least be a real musician that shows up when I go on about me and wants.

'Scuse me - You want me what?

Really Rob? Really?

But anyway - back to 2013 needs. Do you have any? I am done buying series one. I have ten cards I need to finish the base set and a bunch of doubles I would like to get to you that need them. Contact me (2x3heroesATgmailDOTcom) with any cards from Topps 2013 you need and I'll let you know if I can fill the request. Heck - you don't even have to send me anything back if you don't want. I just don't want to be overloaded like I was with 2012.


  1. Same here - I have way too much 2013 on my hands and I'm still 8 cards short of completion. Trying not to get stuck w/ all these extra cards! Been thinking about assembling several sets just for fun.

  2. I just sent some things off to you but if you see anything you can help with on my wantlist, I'll send more!



  3. About 200 doubles here and 2 missing base cards...

  4. I need a few of the (ONLY FOUR IN SERIES ONE?!) Twins parallels; I have several 2013 and various & sundry Sox stuff here:

  5. Cheap Trick sure had some great tunes.
