Friday, November 2, 2012

Alright, it's a moon!

Welcome to part 3. For the past three days we have taken a glance at a crapload of cards my wife had packed away during one of her cleaning frenzies. This is one of the better kind of repack boxes because everything in it is pretty frigging awesome. Ok - maybe day 1 was a little lame. Yesterday was a move in the right direction. But today, let's look at a little of the bestest part of these cards - Allen and Ginter.

Among all the card packs and blaster boxes I found 8 packs of 2006 Allen and Ginter, a couple blasters and a bunch of 2007 A&G, and a blaster and a few packs of 2008. The best part, though? A couple of the blaster boxes were not "blaster boxes" in that I had started sorting the cards and the boxes were loaded with cards. I devised a way to turn a blaster in a storage box, so I found a good 200 '07 and about the same in '08 A&G in these "storage boxes", along with the random packs. Needless to say, all this drastically ramped up the amount of these cards from what I previously had.

A quick look at the cards to a checklist, I find while I had maybe a dozen 2006 A&G and 4 mini, I now have a dozen minis (one black border) and about 5 short prints. Much better than I had before. Nothing too exciting to show, so I won't bother to scan anything.

Lemme finish one more chapter and then I'll scan something.

2007. After sorting, I am probably a good 80% through a complete set. And doubles? Boy do I have doubles. However, we have highlights to share. A while back I talked about no number A&Gs. Total at that time was 3 - one from 2007, one from 2010 and one from 2012. Well, I just doubled that total.

You saw that Elijah Dukes black border. Now look to the left in that image. It's ANOTHER Elijah Dukes. This is a regular border. Something is screwy. What are the odds I have two no numbers of the same player? I won't complain. Anyway - my minis for 2007 reproduced like rabbits with this find. I have 5 pages now in my binder. Just has a single page before. Here's a couple more mini highlights.

Love the gloves with the Frazier. And the Crede looks lust like the Thome that would appear in 2008. How beautiful are those flag cards, though? I have 4. I want the set. If you have any, let's talk trade.

Finally, 2008. I had even less 2008 than I had 2007. Well, I am probably over 50% towards a complete set. To think I have been trading away some of these cards. Let's hope I replaced all I traded away. 2008 has a super special surprise (my English teacher appreciate that alliteration), but first, some prime minis.

Man - they truly did do 2008 Allen and Ginter right. It's a close call between 07 and 08, but I think 2008 just edges all other sets out. It's beautiful and simple, yet classy. 

And now, the prize of the box. In that link about where I talked about the no number cards a few months back, I mention a Bazooka back card I misplaced. Well.....misplaced no more!

I knew I had one. I just knew it! I remember pulling it and thinking "Ah crap - who wrote on this thing?" I will say this - that card will only be traded for a replacement Bazooka back from the same year with a White Sox player. Otherwise, it stays in my binder. So if you have one, or can get your hands on one, we'll talk.

Ok - I have to run to my LCS for storage boxes and binder pages for all these cards. Oh I am SOOOOOO upset that I have to go.

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