Saturday, June 11, 2016

Spring Cleaning 2

I'm going to try and whip a quick post up as I have burgers to throw on the grill. No vegan household here.

Kill a cow.
Cook a cow.
Eat a cow.

Mark over at the Chronicles of Fuji sent a small envelope that was mostly stuffed with Justin Upton cards. No - I am not a collector of the younger Upton. I made a call out a while ago for Donaldson and Upton cards as my nephew (technically great nephew) collects cards and those are his two favorite players. Fuji sent in a nice donation for him, including these I am showing with some relics and a Panini Contenders.

Not all were Upton-ish, though. Here's three cards from a White Sox Kid's Club set, that would have been a giveaway to members of their club. Not sure the exact year, but with Wuentin only being on the south side from 2008-2011, I'm guessing in that range. Thanks Mark!

I am not taking part in Dave's Pack a Day giveaway over at Tribe Cards this season. He changed the format this year to a team assignment instead of a player draft. Didn't matter, I decided to take a year off and let someone else scoop up the White Sox. Dave did get around to mailing out what I think are the cards from 2014. Can't recall, but all I know is I got a lot of free cards, with some going to player collections and one really sweet miscut Stadium Club.

A few minis too I managed to secure. I don't actively hunt Joltin' Joe, but I take what I can. And one less card for a few A&G mini sets I need to complete. While I am not participating, I am watching the rips, Dave, and some nice stuff has appeared. Thanks for doing this for all us bloggers.

I think the grill is all warmed up. Then again, it was 95 degrees today and my back yard gets nothing but sun. I probably could have cooked without lighting that sucker, considering the nuclear furnace when you factor in the humidity.